About Judith F. Farnum



My mother, Judith Farnum was organist and choir director for Church of the Incarnation from 1976 – 2016.

Judith Farnum was born in Brooklyn, NY., but at a very early age her parents returned with her to their home
in Barbados. It is here where she spent her early years studying piano at the Gormandy School of Music and organ under the direction of Gerald Hudson, master organist at St. Michael’s Cathedral.
At the school where she attended, St. Patricks, Mrs. Farnum choreographed numerous dance recitals and regularly presented musical evenings.

She married Ken Farnum, renowned Olympic cyclist champion and they eventually moved to New York City
were she attended New York School of Music.  She was organist and choir director of St. Catherines,
Our Saviour R.C. and Christ the King R.C. churches.

The Farnum’s, daughter, Judy is an organist/musical director at Our Lady of Mercy
and Christ The King and is a designer, fitness instructor and Group Facilitator for after-school programs.
Their son, Kenneth, is a piano tuner and organist/musical director at St. Mary Star of the Sea in City Island, NY.  He is also married to Elizabeth Farnum, a renowned contemporary music soprano.  Mrs. Farnum still teaches piano with students who have held recitals in many major venues in New York Cit