Fordham Prep
Visual & Performing Arts Department

12-14-2021 Fordham Prep VPA Dept. Christmas Event

Visual and Performing Arts



Central to the Visual and Performing Arts education at Fordham Prep is the objective that students understand what goes into a work of art from conceptual, technical, and cultural points of view; and how,

in the spirit of cura parsonalis, these help contribute to the makeup of a well-rounded person.

The Arts curriculum is designed to enable students to understand and appreciate how a work of art is created and viewed. The curriculum’s design stimulates growth through self-discovery and self-expression. Students’ skills develop through practice and appreciation of techniques. Classes are structured in tandem with students’ needs in subsequent years. 


Chairperson: Michael Weldon ’86 



Studio Art 1, 2

AP 2-D Art & Design

AP Art History

History of Jazz

AP Music Theory

Architectural Drawing

Computer Graphics & Web Design

Fundamentals of Acting

Fundamentals of Music

Liturgical Choir

Vocal Music

Band Methods

Jazz Ensemble

Jazz Ensemble Honors




            A three-year sequence or one-year electives

            Hands-on experience

            Exposure to computer art

            Student Orchestra

            Portfolio preparation for college

            Advanced Placement course: AP Art History

            Member of NYSSMA